Monday, July 28, 2008

summer knitting projects

As a quick diversion from our trip upstream with a skein of Hand Knitting Yarn, two of us here at O- Wool must, really must! share our latest projects with you.

I’m very excited to be nearing the completion of a lace vest and pattern that I have been working on. The vest, (2 1/2 of them so far actually), is complete. Its the pattern that is still wanting attention. Will it ever stop!? Isn’t there always one more revision, one more number to confirm? Fortunately a friend has offered to “test” the pattern. So, there really is hope that it will be available soon.

All this knitting has given me alot of time to think. And what I got to thinking about were the ancient Classical Greek Elements of Earth, Air Fire, Water and Aether. The first 4 were states of matter, and the fifth was used to describe “that beyond the material world”. These 4 states of matter represented a connection also between hot, cold, dry and wet.

And haven’t we all experienced the discomfort of imbalance in these states of matter: whether in life activity, weather, friendships, knitting projects etc. I think I will dedicate this vest in our line of Balance (50% organic cotton, 50% organic wool) to the Elements ....not the periodic table of, but to the concrete, physical aspects of life. And sometimes as I knit I end up repetitiously chanting the mantra: earth air fire water, as if somehow the arches merging upwards representing all the forms of matter will indeed find a balance if I just knit hard enough.

Our shipping guru here at O-Wool has been working hard (in this summer heat) to complete a very special sweater. This garment is an 80th Birthday present for John Blake who breeds and raises cormo sheep organically in Southern Patagonia Peru. O-Wool purchased fiber from him for the two new lines coming out this autumn, the DK and the Bulky weight in a natural palette.

As a special request by John Blakes’s son, via Matt, Marin received, and rose to this challenge of knitting up a gorgeous XL sweater in Bulky. She used 4 colors and worked a wonderful wrapping pattern around the entire neckline. It will have no problem keeping its wearer warm and cozy as he surveys his flock of Cormo sheep! These sheep, by the way, are a scientifically researched cross between corriedale and merino types, and offer some of the benefits of each breed. Their fleece is appreciated for its very soft texture.